Alzheimer's in U.S. claims $202 bln in unpaid care
Nearly 15 million Americans care for a dementia patient
* Disease takes devastating toll on families, friends
By Julie Steenhuysen
CHICAGO, March 15 (Reuters Life!) - Nearly 15 millionpeople in the United States take care of a loved one withAlzheimer's disease or another form of dementia, amounting to17 billion hours or more than $202 billion in unpaid care,Alzheimer's experts said Tuesday.
If these caregivers all lived in one U.S. state, it wouldbe the nation's fifth largest, according to the Alzheimer'sAssociation's 2011 annual report on the disease.
The report illustrates the growing burden of Alzheimer'sdisease, a fatal brain-wasting disease that erodes memory,thinking, behavior and the ability to handle daily activities.
Alzheimer's affects more than 26 million people globallyand can stretch on for years, slowly robbing patients of theirmind and memories. And there are currently no drugs that cankeep the disease from progressing.
"Alzheimer's disease doesn't just affect those with it. Itinvades families and the lives of everyone around them," HarryJohns, president and chief executive of the Alzheimer'sAssociation, said in a statement.
The new report shows a 37 percent increase in Alzheimer'sand dementia caregivers compared with a year ago, but much ofthat increase is because the year-ago figure had been based onnine-year-old estimates, Beth Kallmyer of the Alzheimer'sAssociation said in a telephone interview.
Even so, the number of unpaid caregivers is staggering,Bill Thies, the association's chief medical and scientificofficer said in a telephone interview.
"We are in the early stages of an epidemic and it is onlygoing to get worse over the next four years, and these costsare going to continue to grow," Thies said.
The group estimates that 5.4 million people in the UnitedStates are now living with Alzheimer's disease, up from 5.3million a year ago. That includes 5.2 million people over age65 or about one in eight senior citizens.
A 65-year-old person diagnosed with Alzheimer's typicallylives four to eight years after being diagnosed, but somepatients live as long as 20 years after diagnosis.
That takes an emotional toll, Kallmyer said.
"It's hard to take care of somebody that you love whodoesn't remember who you are."
Kallmyer said more than 60 percent of caregivers say theyare stressed, and more than a third say they are depressed.
Treating the disease is expensive.
The $202 billion in unpaid care is on top of the $183billion estimate for Alzheimer's care expected to be deliveredin 2011 by healthcare workers in homes, hospitals and long-termcare facilities, an increase of $11 billion over a year ago.
Medicare and Medicaid, the federal insurance programs forthe elderly and poor, cover about 70 percent of these costs.
Thies said Alzheimer's patients on Medicare cost threetimes more than other patients, largely because they spend moretime in hospitals and nursing homes. And Alzheimer's patientson Medicaid, which pays for the bulk of long-term care, costnine times more than other Medicaid patients.
"The federal government is really paying for Alzheimer'sresearch one way or another because the bulk of these peoplewill be on Medicare or Medicaid," Thies said.
By 2050, Medicare costs for people with Alzheimer'sand other dementias will increase nearly 600 percent andMedicaid costs will soar almost 400 percent.
The full report appears in the March 2011 issue ofAlzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer'sAssociation.(Editing by Eric Walsh)
Copyright © 2011, Reuters
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